CL 15/2020: Call for nominations for IMU prizes
To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)
Dear colleagues,
As Secretary General of the IMU I invite you to submit nominations for the IMU distinctions listed below, thus assisting the corresponding committees in their task of selecting the awardees who will receive their distinctions at the ICM 2022 in St Petersburg, Russia.
Here is the list of awards for which we presently seek nominations, each listed a short description and the email address to which nominations should be sent, and with a short description:
− The Fields Medals – Chair: IMU President Carlos E. Kenig Email:
The Fields Medals are awarded every 4 years on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians to recognize outstanding mathematical achievement for existing work and for the promise of future achievement, see details at
− The IMU Abacus Medal – Chair: James Demmel. Email:
The IMU Abacus Medal is awarded once every 4 years at the International Congress of Mathematicians for outstanding contributions in mathematical aspects of information sciences, see details at
The IMU Abacus Medal is a continuation of the Nevanlinna Prize and will be awarded for the first time at the ICM 2022.
− The Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize – Chair: Eva Tardos. Email:
The Gauss Prize is awarded once every 4 years to honor a scientist whose mathematical research has had an impact outside mathematics – either in technology, in business, or simply in people's everyday lives, see details at
− The Chern Medal Award – Chair: Yakov Eliashberg. Email:
The Chern Medal is awarded every 4 years on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians to an individual whose accomplishments warrant the highest level of recognition for outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics, see details at
− The Leelavati Prize – Chair: Pavel Etingof. Email:
The Leelavati Prize is intended to accord high recognition and great appreciation of the IMU and Infosys of outstanding contributions for increasing public awareness of mathematics as an intellectual discipline and the crucial role it plays in diverse human endeavors, see details at
IMU also requests nominations for the:
− ICM Emmy Noether Lecture – Chair: Sylvia Serfaty. Email:
The ICM Emmy Noether Lecture is a special lecture at an ICM that honors women who have made fundamental and sustained contributions to the mathematical sciences, see more details at
More information about each of these awards and the Noether lecture, as well as lists of past laureates, can be found on the IMU website at:
To allow the committees sufficient time for this decision process, the IMU has set 31 December 2020 as the deadline for nominations. Nominations received after this date will only be considered at the discretion of the committee.
Thus, we would like to urge you to submit any compelling nominations you wish to make before the above deadline.
The full composition of each committee remains confidential and will not be revealed until the opening ceremony of ICM 2022.
Please send your nomination to the special email address of the committee chair as given above. Thereby you will ensure that
it automatically reaches the corresponding committee. A copy of your nomination material will be archived in the IMU Secretariat in Berlin with an embargo of 70 years for anyone outside the committee.
We look forward to receiving your nominations!
Helge Holden
Prof. Helge Holden
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union