The Cyprus Mathematical Society (CyMS) in collaboration with the Bank of Cyprus, in the context of strengthening its social contribution and the general pursuit for the development of the future citizens of Cyprus with competencies of creativity, innovation and communication, organizes a competition to formulate ideas and proposals on problems of everyday life through the utilization and use of the Sciences, Technology, Mathematics, Art and Economics. The Competition is also supported by the THALES Foundation.
The object of the Competition is to identify a problem of everyday life and to present an innovative proposal / suggestion for dealing with it. The treatment is expected to be done with the utilization / support of thoughts from areas of the Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Art and Economics (STEAME). Students from 5th grade of Elementary School to 3rd grade of the Lyceum can take part in the Competition.
The object of the Competition will be the preparation of a text of a scientific discourse that will present a problem of everyday life and will formulate a proposal / suggestion for its solution. This proposal should be characterized for its innovation and will be substantiated / supported by reference to STEAME areas.
Each text must be prepared by only one student
The deadline for submission of texts is 31st March 2025, until 12:00 noon.
More information regarding the Terns - Regulations and Prizes for the Competition can be found in the announcement below.