CL 8/202: Another fraud alert
To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and
the Country Representatives of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI)
Dear colleagues,
This is a warning about an ongoing fraud attempt. Someone is sending out false emails in the name of
IMU President Carlos E. Kenig and ICMI President Jill Adler.
Here is an example:
From: "Carlos Kenig" <>
Subject: International Mathematical Union (IMU)
Date: 3 March 2020 at 17:56:51 CET
Dear X
The purpose of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) is to promote international cooperation in mathematics,
support and assist the International Congress of Mathematicians and other international scientific meetings or conferences.
We also encourage and support other international mathematical activities considered likely to contribute to the
development of mathematical science in any of its aspects, pure, applied, or educational.
As a member of the International Science Council (ISC). IMU endorses ISC's Principle of Freedom, Responsibility
and Universality of Science.
I need your help with the IMU- International Mathematical Union concerning IMU support for the International Science
Council (ISC) Endorsed Events.
Are you available? I'll be waiting for your reply email.
Best regards,
IMU President
Carlos E. Kenig
A follow-up may look like this:
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 19:54:54 +0100
From: Carlos Kenig <>
Subject: Re: International Mathematical Union (IMU)
Dear X,
Thanks for the reply and the willingness to help. I need your help with the International Mathematical Union (IMU). I contacted you about
this because I know you can help.
The IMU has a payment of 2,963 EUR to be paid, a support payment for the International Science Council (ISC) Endorsed Events.
Our treasurer is unavailable due to a recent family emergency and will return next week.
As the IMU president, it is my duty to facilitate this payment as soon as possible but due to bank policy here in United State of
America, it's going to take 5 or more days to get Turkey and we must pay on or before Friday 6th of March.
I would like to as you for a favor because you are from same European Union with Turkey, I think you're the best person to ask for this
favor to make the payment faster. please, can you help us with the transfer of 2,963 EUR for this payment while we will pay you back
next week?
Can I forward to you the IBAN details for the payment if this is convenient for you help make this payment before the due date?
We will refund the amount as soon as the treasurer returns.
I'm really counting on you as I'll be waiting for your email.
Best wishes,
IMU President
Carlos E. Kenig
On the ICMI side, it may look like this:
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 14:16:14 +0100
From: Jill Adler <>
Subject: Request
How are you today, Please is there any possibility for you to help the board get things done today? Let me know so
i can explain more better.Email me.
Jill Adler
Sent from a mobile
A follow-up may look like this:
Dear X,
Please can you process a wire transfer or make a bank transfer to a Vendor on behalf of the
board today and get reimburse on Wednesday,Let me know so I can send you the
instruction (Intel) to complete this request.
Jill Adler
These emails are fraudulent. Do not respond to them. The emails appear to be sent in the name of the IMU or
ICMI Presidents but closer scrutiny of the email reveals that the IMU or ICMI is not the sender.
Neither IMU nor ICMI ever requests money on an individual basis.
Please do not respond to these emails and beware of sending money. Please also report such communications to us.
The perpetrators reveal some knowledge of the IMU and ICMI, and their emails appear more authentic than earlier attempts.
Please note that all IMU email addresses have the format, the ICMI email addresses mostly do
likewise, and this applies in particular to the Reply-To address.
We apologize for this issue. Please let us know if you have been contacted similarly, as we would like to understand the
extent of this attempted fraud.
Helge Holden Abraham Arcavi
Secretary General of the IMU Secretary General of the ICMI
Prof. Helge Holden
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union