CL 20/2020: The new Executive Committee of ICMI

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

Dear colleagues,

I refer to Circular Letters 11/2020 and 18/2020. On 13 July, the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), a commission of the IMU, hosted its quadrennial General Assembly as a web event. The event concentrated primarily on the election of the new ICMI Executive Committee.

I am now pleased to inform you that the newly elected Executive Committee of ICMI for the term 1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2024 is as follows:

President: Frederick Leung (Hong Kong SAR China)
Secretary General: Jean-Luc Dorier (Switzerland)
Vice President:   Merrilyn Goos (Australia/Ireland)
Vice President:  Anjum Halai (Pakistan)
Marta Civil (USA)
Patricio Felmer (Chile)
Mercy Kazima (Malawi)
Núria Planas (Spain)
Susanne Prediger (Germany)

In addition, Jill Adler (South Africa) will serve as Past President on the new EC. 

The IMU President and Secretary General also serve ex officio on the ICMI EC.

This is for your information.

Helge Holden

Prof. Helge Holden
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union

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