CL 18/2020: Slate for the ICMI election for its Executive Committee

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) 

Dear colleagues,
I refer to CL 11/2020 regarding the General Assembly for ICMI, where it was announced that it will take place as a virtual event. 
The dates have been fixed for 13–14 July 2020.
The General Assembly will concentrate on the election of the new Executive Committee for ICMI.  The webpage for the General Assembly will be made active by 30 June. 

The Nominating Committee, chaired by Michèle Artigue, has proposed the attached slate for the upcoming election. 

Further information regarding the candidates etc. has been sent to the Country Representatives.  For a complete list of all Country Representatives, please see the webpage

Helge Holden

Prof. Helge Holden
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union

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