CL 16/2020: COVID-19 Resource Website

To: The Adhering Organizations of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) 

Dear colleagues,

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected modern society globally. 

Tragically, many thousands have died, many more have lost their jobs, and it has changed the working conditions of billions of people. 

In response to the situation, we have launched the website containing links to some resources pertaining to the pandemic.

We focus on three aspects: 

   – general websites with information on the COVID-19 pandemic

   – online seminars for a global audience

   – websites which concentrate on mathematical research on the pandemic 


For this website to be useful, we depend on active feedback from the community.  

Please send links to be included to

Please communicate the information about our website in your community.




Helge Holden

Prof. Helge Holden
Secretary General of the International Mathematical Union

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